Driving represents independence, integrity and confidence. It also provides a means to access necessary services, social interaction with family, friends and community.
Maintaining mobility through driving is important for quality of life. However, we all need to be proactive with regard to our driving and road safety.
For anyone with a medical condition or experiencing age related changes that may affect ability to drive safely, they should follow the advice of their GP.
Sláinte agus Tiomáint provides guidance on medical fitness for drivers and one of its objectives is to promote mobility in a way that is consistent with road safety.
Following a health professional’s medical evaluation, an on-road driving assessment may be recommended. An on-road assessment can assist in determining a person’s fitness to begin, return or continue driving.
On-Road Driving Ability Assessment
The on-road driving assessment assesses a person’s ability to drive a vehicle in safety and comfort in live traffic situations. It examines a person’s physical, cognitive, and perceptual ability while driving. It also examines driving behaviour. It may also assess a driver’s ability to drive with the use of adaptations.
The on-road driving assessment should not be compared to the statutory driving test. While both outcomes evaluate safe driving, the on-road assessment assesses different skill sets.
Our intention is to keep a person driving for as long as possible, if they are safe to do so. Poor driving habits or minor driving faults that may result in failure of a statutory driving test do not necessarily result in a driver being unsuccessful on an on-road assessment.
If a driver is nervous or anxious, every effort will be made to ease the situation and allow them to feel comfortable. A friendly relaxed atmosphere is intended. Throughout the assessment, including the on-road drive section the driver may be accompanied/supported by a friend/relative.
During the on-road drive, if a driver is demonstrating any errors that has or may affect safety, instruction will be offered to ascertain if the driving errors can be corrected.
If preferred the drive can be conducted in the person’s own car. Southern Mobility can provide an automatic car, or adapted car for your assessment.
The drive usually takes forty-five minutes to one hour, depending on the traffic conditions. On completion, the recommendations are discussed with the driver and a written report is forwarded to the referring medical professional.
For anyone in the Cork area, the assessment can be conducted from their home, or from our office at Little Island. For anyone travelling from another county, the assessment can be conducted from our office in Little Island, Co. Cork, or at an agreed location.
If a driver restricts their driving routes to local journeys only and has the insight to self-regulate, we will aim to conduct the on-road drive in their preferred area.
The fee is €200 and a receipt is issued on payment. The fee is payable on the day and no deposit is required.
We provide assessments in Cork City, East Cork and West Waterford. If a person requires an on-road assessment in other parts of Munster or Ireland, please contact us and we will aim to arrange an appointment with our colleagues in your area.
A referral for an on-road assessment can be in writing from a general practitioner or other health care professional. A self-referral will be accepted by phone or email, having first received permission from a consultant/general practitioner to proceed with the on-road assessment.
We also conduct on-road assessments in heavy goods vehicles group 2 licence categories, work vehicles and motor cycles.